Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why crafting with lots of kids?

There are tons of websites out there for kids crafts, but not so many that focus on crafting with lots of kids. This is why I decided to start this blog, and because a dear friend suggested it. I have been offering a school age kids craft program at my library for two plus years. What I have learned is that just because a craft is cute or recommended as easy, doesn't mean it will work when you are crafting with several kids. I intend to document crafts here that I have tried with real kids. I will let you know what worked and what didn't. I hope this blog can be useful for other librarians, teachers, and people who just do crafts with more than two or three kids. Though most of the crafts will be intended for K - 5th graders, I also do crafts with children under the age of five and teens, so I will share them here as well.